About Our Club
The Mechatronics Club is the combination of the words MECHAnical and elecTRONICS. We do many things in this club that range from working with LEDs, servos and micro-controllers, to graphics, Computer Aided Design (CAD), and various electronics and sensors. The club will be split into two sections: a graphics group and a programming/mechanical group/electronics group. Members may be a part of any group they wish, but we encourage members to visit the other sections since we all will eventually be integrating what we learn in each section into a group project. During the last hour of the workshop, members will switch sections.
Our main goal is to develop a more approachable environment for everyone and show that programming can be fun and rewarding, regardless of technical experience level. We encourage our members to do further research outside of the club since we will not be able to cover every aspect of these fields.